INCLUDE Online Training for Teacher Program

1st INCLUDE Online Training for Teacher – The INCLUDE framework and Platform

4 and 11 November 2020

The first training was a 2 days online event held in November 2021. 61 participants (24 from Greece ad 37 from the other countries) took part in the online event instead of the 10 provided in the Dow. In other words, more teachers had the opportunity to have a first hand training experience and interact directly with the tutors. All essential topics of the designed Training were covered: The teachers had an in deep training on the main assets of the INCLUDE approach: -What are the main characteristics of an INCLUDE scenario -Basic INCLUDE concepts: the CLIL approach and the novelties introduced by INCLUDE, Europeanity, transversal skills and key competences, the concept of multimodality of the educational resources, the evaluation of the students learning; the INCLUDE Moodle platform and tools for the scenario creation. Moreover

– a debate on the 4 first scenarios realized by each school was hold to give evidence to the teachers, that were facing to a more massive scenario production, of the strengths and weaknesses of each one and reflect on them.

– the second training day a workshop on the INCLUDE Moodle platform was provided, to give the chance to the teachers to discover the digital platform, the issues for the uploading of scenarios and use all digital features available in the platform for the scenario creation. After the Training, the teachers continued to receive support for the creation and evaluation of scenarios either in online meetings (for example during monthly meetings for monitoring the testing phase), or by email correspondence among schools and the 1o Peiramatiko Gymnasio Athinas. As a result, all schools have managed to achieve the goals of IO3 (scenario creation and evaluation).

2nd INCLUDE Online Training for Teacher – The INCLUDE Moodle Platform

18 December 2020

The  second Training activity was realized in December 2020, one month after the first session. The training was a Workshop on the INCLUDE  Moodle platform, involving the teachers that are going to test the scenarios.  The aim of the workshop was to:

– deepen the issues already introduced during the 1st training, after the teachers had the opportunity to upload some scenarios into the Moodle Platform. The IO2 coordinator was able to support the teachers to overcome the difficulties they experienced.  A simulation  of the process was held uploading a scenario created on the Moodle platform.

– clarify the procedure for the enrolment of other teachers and students to the scenarios created, needed to set up the virtual classes and start the testing phase.

35 participants attended the training, 5 of them were from Greece and the other from the partner countries

3rd  INCLUDE Online Training for Teacher – INCLUDE tasting phases

5 march 2021

The 3rd training session was held in March 2021, before the starting of the 1st round of scenarios testing. In this phase the teachers have already uploaded into the Moodle platform their scenarios, enrolled their students and were ready to start with the testing.

The IO3 coordinator deepened the various steps of the testing:

  1. the list with titles of scenarios, names of creators and names of the 3 evaluators each was shared and finally validated
  2. Self-evaluation: the creators should test their scenarios with their students on Moodle platform and complete the evaluation questionnaire on moodle.
  3. Heavy Evaluation: the evaluators must implement the assigned scenario with enrolled students on Moodle and evaluate the scenario through the questionnaire on Moodle
  4. Light evaluation: the evaluators must evaluate the scenario assigned for light evaluation only through the same questionnaire on Moodle.

A question time was provided with teachers.

37 participants attended the training and 3 of them were from the Greeck partners

4th   INCLUDE Online Training for Teacher – INCLUDE Repository

7th April 2022

The 4th Training activity was realized in April 2022, when the testing phases were closed, all the scenarios were validated after revising if needed and the INCLUDE Repository was ready to host the 123 scenarios. The aim of the training was to make the teachers familiar with the Repository, exploring it with them. The coordinator of the IO2 showed them how to upload the script of a scenario, related educational resources and how to select the scenario metadata, needed to make the scenario searchable.

23 participants attended the training, 5 of them were from Greece and the other from the partner countries.

Files from Teachers’ Training procedure






